We are starting a new project in our home. We finished the kitchen and now we are heading downstairs into the dungeon being the dark old basement. Right now we have been using our basement to hold junk, Christmas storage, washer & dryer and all of the kids extra toys!!! We are happy to do this renovation and the kids are also excited to have a place to escape. Currently they have all of their toys in their bedrooms and in our family room. We were thinking it would be nice to have our family room back again and let them have a place that they can play in. We also have to try to come up with closet space in the basement. We live in a New England Cape House and we don't have much closet space upstairs.
Four Goals: Mudroom, closets, laundry room, and craft area. My husband and I were up last night trying to figure out how to incorporate all of this in one basement.
Our junk has been removed and all the left over is currently stored in the garage. We have to remember that the stuff that was in the basement that we are keeping must go somewhere after the basement is done. So it's been a little overwhelming to think how to take advantage of the space when some of the walls get knocked down.
I've been looking at my old magazines, looking online, and have been inspired by a few pics. I love that Country Home is coming back. I will post something about them in September when their first issue comes out. I believe they have published their late summer issue but they incorporated pictures that they have published before. I am excited for their next issue!!!
I did discover last week a magazine called Canadian House & Home. It's so beautiful and they have so many great ideas. I have been spending hours at night looking at all of their pictures online and printing them out. Let me know what you think about these pictures? Have you seen their magazine?
Here are two pictures that I think I might use for the laundry room. Let me know what you think. I will post more pics as the construction begins. They start to gut out the basement today.
I love the open shelves. I can picture putting all baskets filled with laundry items and beach towels.

Don't you just love the sink?